Do you want incredible adventures and exciting games with friends? You are at the right place! The Grand-Mine project invites you to the amazing world of Minecraft servers with mods!

Start the game


  • SpaceTech 1.20.1
  • HiTech 1.7.10
  • TechnoMagic 1.7.10
  • Общий онлайн: 1

Step 1: Register account

Read the rules of our project, register an account on our website, wait for confirmation mail to your mailbox and follow the link, then proceed to the next step!

Step 2: Download the launcher

It is possible to play on our servers only through our launcher and a game client. Download it and install additional software - drivers for your video card and Java. Important! Java should be the same discharge as your operating system. If you have already installed Java 8, be sure to make sure that the last available update is established!

Minimum system requirements Recommended

  • CPU: two-core, with a frequency of at least 1.7Ghz
    Video card: Any with support for Opengl 2.1+
    RAM: at least 1024MB of free memory at launch
    Free space on the drive: at least 1GB
    Required by: Last update Java 8 and video card drivers 1
Download Java

* To launch a Jar version on Windows operating systems, install Java, right-click by file, then “Open the application> Java”. To further start the launcher with a double click, put a checkplace on “Always use this application for opening .jar files.”
* Graphic chips INTEL HD Graphics 3000 and below are not supported on Windows 10.
* Work on Windows XP is not supported.
* Openjdk requires a pre-installed Openjfx package.

If your antivirus triggers to the launcher, disable it during the boot and then add the file to the list of antivirus exceptions. Or use a jar version (universal) - by right click on "Run using Java". Put a box "always open this type of files" to perform the launch in the future in one click.
If you have installed software from Mail.ru, kill all its processes as well as the mailru.updater process!

Step 3: Start the game!

Run the launcher, enter your username and password, select the server, wait for the client to download and start playing Minecraft with mods for free on our servers! We also recommend that you subscribe to our social communities to always be aware of the latest events. If you have any difficulties, seek help from our forum, they will help you!
  • © 2013 Grand Mine Inc.

    [email protected]

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